Multiverse Performace Tool

Multiverse Performace Tool

Multiverse is a Software Transactional Memory implementation that can be used in Java but also in other languages running on the JVM like Scala or Groovy. Essentially it is a framework that allows different STM implementation (with different featuresets or performance characteristics) to be used under the hood. The main STM implementation is multiverse-alpha..

Compile bağımlılıklar (1)

Grup / Obje Sürüm Yeni Sürümü
args4j » args4j 2.0.16 2.37

Test bağımlılıklar (2)

Grup / Obje Sürüm Yeni Sürümü
junit » junit 4.8.1 4.13.2
org.mockito » mockito-all 1.8.2 2.0.2-beta